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< 2024 >

(46)Experimental Study of Condensation Heat Transfer and Droplet Dynamics on Multiple Horizontal Copper Tubes with Superhydrophobic Characteristics, Hindawi International Journal of Energy Research, 2024 <선현준>

(45)Experimental study of two-phase closed thermosyphon with super-hydrophilic and super-hydrophobic surfaces, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2024 <서성원, 선현준, 하혁준, 이찬용>

(44)Development of an Algorithm for Predicting the Heat Resistance Temperature of Automotive Lamps, International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2024 <서성원>

< 2023 >

(43)Influence of cellulose nanofiber fluid on flow instability and heat transfer of two-phase closed thermosyphon, Heliyon, 2023 <서성원, 이찬희>

(42)Experimental Study on a Small-Scale Transcritical CO2 Rankine Cycle for Solar Thermal Applications, Hindawi International Journal of Energy Research, 2023 <이원구>

(41)마이크로/나노 표면 개질 공법을 이용한 응축 열전달 성능 향상 연구, 한국정밀공학회지, 2023

(40)Design considerations of the supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle of small modular molten salt reactor for ship propulsion, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2023 <이원구, 유성현>

(39)Scalable Micro/Nanostructured Superhydrophobic Surface Modifications for Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Heat Transfer Performance in Stainless Steel and Titanium, Materials Research Express, 2023

(38) 차량용 램프 내열 온도 예측을 위한 CFD 해석 및 알고리즘 개발, 한국자동차공학회논문집, 2023 <서성원>

(37) Data-Driven Approach using Supervised Learning for Predicting Endpoint Temperature of Molten Steel in the Electric Arc Furnace, Steel Research International, 2023 <송영원, 하혁준, 이원구>

(36) In-Line Recondenser와 Pre-cooler가 적용된 LNG선 연료관리 시스템 설계, 한국산학기술학회논문지, 2023 <이원구, 선현준>

(35) Effects of super-hydrophilicity and orientation of heater surface on bubble behavior and the critical heat flux in pool boiling, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2023 <최훈동>

< 2022 >

(34) Condensation heat transfer correlation for micro/nanostructures properties of surfaces, ACS Omega, 2022 <정수빈>

(33) Experimental Study on the Quenching Behavior of a Copper Cube in the Cellulose Nanofiber Solution, 

Nanomaterials, 2022 <최훈동, 정수빈>

< 2021 >

(32) Heat Transfer Enhancement of Small-Diameter Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon Using Cellulose Nanofiber and Hydrophilic Surface Modification, Nanomaterials, 2021 <최동녁>

(31) Effect of Surface Structure Complexity on Interfacial Droplet Behavior of Superhydrophobic Titanium Surfaces for Robust Dropwise Condensation, Materials, 2021 <지대윤>

(30) Experimental Study on Confinement Effect of Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon and Heat Transfer Enhancement using Cellulose Nanofluid, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021 <최동녁>

< 2020 >

(29) A study of droplet behavior transition on superhydrophobic surfaces for efficiency enhancement of condensation heat transfer, ACS Omega, 2020 <지대윤>
(28) Experimental Study on Water Electrolysis Using Cellulose Nanofluid, Fluids, 2020 <최동녁>
(27) 노후화된 대학 건물의 단열성능 향상 실험 및 경제성 평가, 한국산학기술학회논문지, 2020 <이정민, 소원호, 조경찬, 최동녁>
(26) 태양열 적용을 위한 소형 초임계 이산화탄소 실험설비 설계 및 평가, 한국산학기술학회논문지, 2020 <최훈동, 소원호, 이정민, 조경찬>
(25) Effective reduction of non-condensable gas effects on condensation heat transfer: Surface modification and steam jet injection, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020 <지대윤, 김대호>

< 2019 >

(24) Experimental study on air ingression and residence time of a small-scale decay tank for a research reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019 <지대윤, 황원기, 김현구>
(23) Enhancement of Nanofluid Stability and Critical Heat Flux in Pool Boiling with Nanocellulose, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019 <황원기>
(22) Experimental study of condensation heat transfer on a horizontal aluminum tube with superhydrophobic characteristic, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019 <지대윤>
(21) Advanced Passive Residual Heat Removal System for High Power Open Pool- Type Research Reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019 <황원기, 최동녁>
(20) Enhancement of condensation heat transfer in the presence of non-condensable gas using steam jet method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019 <지대윤, 김대호>

< 2018 >

(19) Experimental study of small scale siphon breaker to verify Siphon Breaker Simulation Program(SBSP), Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2018 <지대윤, 김성훈>
(18) 소규모 사이펀 차단기에 대한 실험적 연구, 한국산학기술학회논문지, 2018 <지대윤, 김성훈>
(17) 초소수성 코팅 튜브에서의 비응축가스 영향에 대한 응축 열전달 연구, 한국산학기술학회논문지, 2018 <지대윤, 김대호>

< 2017 >

(16) CFD Analysis of a Decay Tank and a Siphon Breaker for an Innovative Integrated Passive Safety System for a Research Reactor, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2017
(15) Study of Siphon Breaker Experiment and Simulation for a Research Reactor, Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2017 <김완수>
(14) Development of Siphon Breaker Simulation Program for Investing Loss of Coolant Accident of a Research Reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2017 <김완수>

< 2016 >

(13) Theoretical study on loss of coolant accident of a research reactor, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2016 <김완수>
(12) Effect of oxide layer growth on fuel temperature of mini fuel plates, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2016
(11) 사이펀 차단기 시뮬레이션 프로그램의 개발 및 활용, 한국산학기술학회논문지, 2016 <김완수>

< 2015 >

(10) An Innovative Passive Residual Heat Removal System of an Open-Pool Type Research Reactor with Pump Flywheel and Gravity Core Cooling Tank, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2015

< 2008 ~ 2014 >

(9) Investigation on Effects on Enlarged Pipe Rupture Size and Air Penetration Timing in Real Scale Experiment of Siphon Breaker, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2014
(8) Experimental study of siphon breaking phenomenon in the real-scaled research reactor pool, Nuclear engineering and design, 2013
(7) Experimental and Numerical Study for a Siphon Breaker Design of a Research Reactor, Annals of nuclear energy, 2012
(6) Steam condensation in the presence of a noncondensable gas in a horizontal tube, 'Evaporation, Condensation and Heat transfer(ISBN: 978-953-307-583-9)', Chapter 7, INTECH, 2011
(5) Development of a wall-to-fluid heat transfer pakage for the SPACE code, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2009
(4) Modeling of condensation heat transfer for a PRHRS heat exchanger in a SMART-P plant, Nuclear engineering and design, 2008
(3) Analysis of Steam Condensation Heat Transfer with a Noncondensable Gas in a Vertical Condenser Tube, Nuclear Technology, 2008
(2) Effect of an Interfacial Shear Stress on Steam Condensation in the Presence of a Noncondensable Gas in a Vertical Tube, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2008
(1) Experimental and empirical study of steam condensation heat transfer with a noncondensable gas in a small-diameter vertical tube, Nuclear engineering and design, 2008



13. 셀룰로오스 나노 섬유를 이용하여 물로부터 수소 기체를 제조하는 전기분해 방법, 등록번호 10-2151534
12. 비응축가스 영향 최소화를 통한 응축기 성능 향상 방법 및 그 장치, 등록번호 10-2115180
11. 당 기반 나노섬유를 전기 절연성 코팅제로 활용하기 위한 방법, 등록번호 10-1981216
10.셀룰로오스 나노섬유를 포함하는, 열전달용 유체 및 이의 제조방법, 등록번호 10-1829269
9.사이펀 차단기 시뮬레이션 장치 및 방법, 등록번호 10-1794061
8. 연구용 원자로 피동잔열제거계통 검증실험장치, 등록번호 10-1651466
7. 원자로 수조의 사이펀 효과 차단장치 및 이를 위한 제어방법, 등록번호 10-1501457
6. 개방형 연구로 노심 잔열 제거 장치, 등록번호 10-1508176
5. 개방수조형 연구로 피동잔열제거계통, 등록번호 10-1407129
4. 중력노심냉각탱크를 활용한 연구용 원자로 피동잔열제거시스템, 등록번호 10-1445494
3. 연구용 원자로 잔열제거시스템, 등록번호 10-1457293
2. 원자로 장기 냉각 장치 및 이를 이용한 원자로 냉각 방법, 등록번호 10-1445962
1. 고출력 연구로용 피동잔열제거장치, 등록번호 10-1410759 

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